♥ Copyright ~ Roslyne Sophia Breillat
Welcome to “BEING WOMAN ~ Honouring the feminine essence”…This course is a series of lessons that honour the fluid nature of the female psyche. Woman has forgotten who she is and the world has forgotten who she is. Her female truth has become clouded and polluted like her beloved Mother Earth. She has imbibed so much maleness that she has lost confidence in the sweet mystery of her receptive nature. She has become angry, forceful and self-doubtful because she is not seen, heard or loved as the creative power of the feminine spirit. It is time for her to stop sleeping. It is time for her to awaken from the dream of unreality that diminishes her true power. It is time for her to become who she really is, in the deep, in her mystery, in her sacredness.
She has suppressed her unpredictable nature with stifling structures of fear and control. She has forsaken the beauty of her passionate sensuality for the harsh and loveless world of sex. She is addicted to the outer realm of time because she no longer trusts her inner timeless realm. Beneath the roles that she plays and the masks that she wears, every woman is the purity and grace of the feminine spirit. Patriarchal society pulls her from the depths of her intuitive knowing into the shallowness of worldly distractions that ignore the vast wellspring of her inner mystery.
When she forsakes the natural flow of her wildness, openness and spontaneity to the forceful ways of the world she becomes moody, depressed and emotionally reactive. This course invites her to shed the masks of pretence that suppress the radiance of her inner being. And this course encourages her to become more true to the vastness of her inner mystery. Throughout these lessons we will look at how she compromises and denies her inner truth by giving to the ways of the world instead to the ways of woman. And we will share how she can listen more intimately to the harmonious flow of her inner rhythm and to the natural ways of the earth.