Presenters for Day 4 Bios & more

Thea Summer Deer

Thea Summer Deer, is a clinical herbalist, author, and educator. She holds a doctorate in Philosophy and Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies. Her involvement in Alternative and Holistic Medicine spans 45 years and she teaches at herbal medicine schools, conferences, and online. She is the author of Wisdom of the Plant Devas: Herbal Medicine for a New Earth, and has released five recordings as an award-winning, singer-songwriter.

Eaglesong Gardener

EagleSong Gardener dances her mischief in the hedge, that luminous place between wild and tended. A lifelong gardener, she has designed, managed and tended high visibility kitchen gardens and farms, commercial gardens, herb gardens & nurseries, and has trained in Healing & Therapeutic garden design. EagleSong is known for her wit and kitchen table wisdom and her incessant need to go outside and play! Today, she enjoys teaching herbs from the ground up wherever she is called. You can find her at 

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