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Easy Herbal Medicine & Natural Remedies in under 30 minutes per week
Week 1 - Introduction
Learning your way - Introduction with Susun Weed (2:06)
Fun with Susun Weed. (1:29)
Zoom Meeting etc. (1:18)
Stinging Nettle by the Stream. (1:22)
Is it Plantain? . (1:54)
Ground Ivy. (2:24)
Weeds in Your Garden? Bite Back! - Part 1
10% off of Susuns courses
Monthly Bonus Content: Making Herbal Vinegars
Talk Time with Susun
Week 2 - Weed Walk
Periwinkle at Falling Waters . (2:23)
Bloodroot (2) at Falling Waters (1:23)
Solomon Seal . (2:16)
Wild Ginger (1:18)
Violet & Garlic Mustard The Woodland Garden Falling Waters. (3:07)
Weeds in Your Garden? Bite Back! - Part 2
Week 3 - Weed Walk
Chickweed Weed Walk Falling Waters. .. 2:42 (2:42)
Horsetail (1) . .. 0:51 (0:50)
Horsetail Identification (2) . .. 1:49 (1:49)
Rock Cress Spring Tonic. .. 1:41 (1:40)
Harvesting White Pine. .. 0:28 (0:28)
Weeds in Your Garden? Bite Back! - Part 3
Week 4 - Weed Walk
Pine Vinegar (2:55)
Herbal vinegars . .. 0:56 (0:56)
Harvesting Chickweed . .. 4:27 (4:27)
Chickweed tincture. .. 3:34 (3:33)
Weeds in Your Garden? Bite Back! - Part 4
Week 5 - Weed walk
Oxalis with MJ and Susun at Kaaterskill Falls. .. 0:48 (0:48)
Oxalis at Kaaterskill Falls. ... 2:33 (2:33)
Trillium at Kaaterskill Falls. .. 1:52 (1:51)
Jack in the Pulpit at Kaaterskill Falls. .. 1:48 (1:47)
Coltsfoot at Kaaterskill Falls. .. 2:05 (2:05)
Coltsfoot part 2. .. 1:22 (1:21)
Weeds in Your Garden? Bite Back! - Part 5
Monthly Bonus Content: Nourishing Herbal Infusions
Week 6 - Vitamins
Vitamins part 1 ... 1:11 (1:10)
Vitamins part 2 . .. 2:59 (2:59)
Vitamins part 3. .. 2:40 (2:40)
Vitamins part 4. .. 2:09 (2:09)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 1
Week 7 - Vitamins
Vitamins part 5. .. 2:33 (2:32)
Vitamins part 6. .. 1:41 (1:40)
Vitamins part 7. .. 2:37 (2:37)
Vitamins part 8. .. 2:31 (2:30)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 2
Week 8 - Herbal First Aid
Sage Honey 1. .. 2:24 (2:24)
Sage Honey 2. ... 1:02 (1:02)
Lemon Balm Honey 1. .. 1:46 (1:45)
Lemon Balm Honey 2. .. 1:09 (1:09)
Relationship with plants. .. 0:51 (0:50)
Elder flower honey. .. 3:17 (3:17)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 3
Week 9 - Herbal first aid
Your body believes everything you say. .. 2:10 (2:09)
Seed Tea 1. .. 2:34 (2:34)
Seed Tea 2. .. 0:52 (0:51)
Slippery Elm 1. .. 4:18 (4:18)
Slippery Elm 2. .. 0:47 (0:47)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 4
Monthly Bonus Content: Be your own Herbal Expert Part 1
Week 10 - Herbal First Aid
Nettles Energy & Arnica gel. .. 4:31 (4:30)
Arnica, Plaintain & Calendula. .. 6:07 (6:07)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 5a
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 5b
Week 11 - Herbal First Aid
St. Joans Wort. .. 5:46 (5:46)
Yarrow 1. .. 5:01 (5:00)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 6a
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 6b
Week 12 - Herbal first aid
Yarrow 2. .. 1:26 (1:26)
Yarrow 3. .. 5:05 (5:05)
Yarrow 4. .. 4:23 (4:23)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 7a
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - Part 7b
Week 13 - Herbal first aid
Aloe Vera. .. 5:19 (5:19)
St. Joans wort & Aloe Vera. .. 3:26 (3:26)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 1
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 2
Monthly Bonus Content: Be your own Herbal Expert Part 2
Week 14 - Herbal first aid
Vulnerary plants. .. 4:52 (4:52)
Willow tree. .. 6:48 (6:48)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 3
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 4
Week 15 - Herbal first aid
Spit poultice. .. 6:10 (6:10)
Comfrey. .. 3:28 (3:27)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 5
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 6
Week 16 - Herbal first aid
Comfrey 2. .. 6:58 (6:57)
Comfrey 3. .. 2:51 (2:51)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 7
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 8
Week 17 - Herbal first aid
Comfrey 4. .. 3:49 (3:48)
Facial skin healing. .. 4:30 (4:30)
Marshmallow. .. 4:58 (4:58)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 9
Monthly Bonus Content: Be your own Herbal Expert Part 3
Week 18 - Herbal first aid
Liver & Kidney. .. 8:11 (8:12)
Caffeine. .. 1:15 (1:14)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 10
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 11
Week 19 - Herbal first aid
Chocolate. .. 6:04 (6:03)
CBD oil. .. 4:43 (4:43)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 12
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 13
Week 20 - Chronic Problems
Harvesting Stinging Nettle 1. .. 6:12 (6:11)
Harvesting Stinging Nettle 2. .. 3:05 (3:04)
Stinging Nettle 3. .. 2:49 (2:49)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 14
Week 21 - Chronic Problems
Stinging Nettle 4. .. 1:57 (1:57)
Stinging Nettle 5. .. 0:31 (0:30)
Stinging Nettle 6 . .. 4:29 (4:29)
Stinging Nettle soup. .. 2:36 (2:35)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 15
Monthly Bonus Content: Be your own Herbal Expert Part 4
Week 22 - Chronic Problems
Linden Tree. .. 4:05 (4:05)
Linden tree 2. .. 2:42 (2:41)
Linden. 3 .. 2:49 (2:49)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely part 16
Week 23 - Chronic Problems
Eliminating essential oils. .. 3:26 (3:26)
Wild Salad 1. .. 5:30 (5:30)
Wild Salad 2. .. 3:07 (3:07)
The Spirit of Simples part 1
Week 24 - Chronic Problems
Wild Salad 3. .. 3:12 (3:11)
Supplements. .. 2:40 (2:40)
Red Clover. .. 4:45 (4:44)
The Spirit of Simples part 2
Week 25 - Chronic Problems
Slippery Elm 1. .. 6:25 (6:25)
Slippery Elm 2. .. 2:28 (2:28)
Slippery Elm 3. .. 2:10 (2:10)
The Spirit of Simples part 3
Monthly Bonus Content: Slippery Elm
Week 26 - Chronic Problems
Slippery Elm 4. .. 3:26 (3:26)
St. Joans wort. .. 4:10 (4:10)
Parts used. .. 4:15 (4:15)
The Spirit of Simples part 4
Week 27 - Chronic Problems
Tincturing. . 4:24 (4:24)
St. Joans wort 2. .. 4:27 (4:27)
The Spirit of Simples part 5
Week 28 - Chronic Problems
St. Joans wort 3. .. 5:00 (4:59)
St. Joans wort 4. .. 4:30 (4:30)
Simples. .. 2:45 (2:44)
Tree Talk: The Healing Medicine of Trees part 1
Week 29 - Weed Walk
Weed walk: When to Harvest ... 2:09 (2:08)
Weed walk: Wild geranium, ivy, burdock ... 5:26 (5:26)
Weed walk: Burdock, yellow dock .... 3:29 (3:28)
Tree Talk: The Healing Medicine of Trees. part 2
Monthly Bonus Content: Plantain part 1
Week 30 - Weed Walk
Weed walk: Yellow dock, garlic mustard .... 2:19 (2:19)
Weed walk: Schisandra, mullein ... 5:55 (5:55)
Weed walk: Mullein ... 3:10 (3:10)
Tree Talk: The Healing Medicine of Trees. part 3
Week 31 - Weed Walk
Weed walk: Mullein 2 ... 4:30 (4:30)
Weed walk: Mullein 3 ... 8:16 (8:15)
Tree Talk: The Healing Medicine of Trees. part 4
Week 32 - Weed Walk
Weed walk: Sheep sorrel .... 3:05 (3:05)
Weed walk: Mint family .... 3:48 (3:48)
Weed walk: Catnip .... 3:35 (3:35)
Tree Talk: The Healing Medicine of Trees. part 5
Week 33 - Weed Walk
Golden ragwort ... 3:07 (3:08)
Golden ragwort 2. ... 2:56 (2:56)
Honeysuckle. ... 1:10 (1:10)
Tree Talk: The Healing Medicine of Trees. part 6
Monthly Bonus Content: Plantain part 2
Week 34 - Weed Walk
Oyster mushrooms ... 1:28 (1:28)
Golden ragwort. ... 4:40 (4:40)
Choke cherry tree. ... 1:27 (1:27)
St. Joans wort . .. 2:00 (2:00)
Amazing Artemisias - part 1
Week 35 - Weed Walk
Red clover ... 1:47 (1:47)
Melilotus. ... 1:34 (1:34)
Milkweed. ... 3:04 (3:04)
Yellowdock, motherwort, poke, comfrey ... 2:56 (2:55)
Weeds in your backyard. ... 2:48 (2:48)
Amazing Artemisias - part 2
Week 36 - Peoples medicine
Wise Woman Wisdom with Susun Weed. .... 7:13 (7:13)
Water . ... 1:46 (1:41)
Amazing Artemisias - part 3
Week 37 - Peoples medicine
Water 2 .... 2:00 (2:00)
Water 3 . ... 2:15 (2:14)
Herbal medicine as peoples medicine. ... 2:16 (2:16)
Herbal medicine is simple. ... 2:55 (2:55)
Amazing Artemisias - part 4
Monthly Bonus: Plantain part 3
Week 38 - Peoples medicine
Simple, safe and effective. .. 2:46 (2:46)
Parts used, harvesting, preparation, & amounts. .. 3:20 (3:20)
How much to take. .. 3:46 (3:45)
Amazing Artemisias - part 5
Week 39 - Making medicine
Early Autumn plants ... 1:02 (1:02)
Making Dandelion root tincture ... 5:21 (5:21)
Fennel vinegar (1:41)
Amazing Artemisias - part 6
Week 40 - Making medicine
Dandelion vinegar (7:09)
Gobo root aka burdock ... 4:38 (4:38)
Amazing Artemisias - part 7
Week 41 - Making medicine
Poke Berries ... 3:04 (3:03)
Yellow dock seeds ... 3:43 (3:42)
Yellow Dock .. 8:54 (8:54)
Healing Wisdom - part 1
Monthly Bonus - Best Recipes part 1
Week 42 - Early Autumn
Barberry aka beautyberry ... 2:26 (2:25)
Wild rose hips ... 1:40 (1:39)
Crab apple ... 1:58 (1:58)
Coltsfoot ... 3:37 (3:36)
Healing Wisdom - part 2
Week 43 - Early Autumn
Linden ... 1:41 (1:41)
Nightshade plant ... 2:01 (2:00)
Garlic mustard and Ground Ivy .. 2:16 (2:16)
Chestnuts ... 1:41 (1:40)
Puffball mushrooms ... 1:55 (1:55)
Healing Wisdom - part 3
Week 44 - Early Autumn
White pine ... 2:22 (2:22)
Vervain, nettle, and bergamot ... 2:26 (2:26)
Shiso ... 2:37 (2:37)
Mallow .. 2:24 (2:23)
Healing Wisdom - part 4
Week 45 - Rainy days
Oxalis, five finger ivy, dandelion ... 2:27 (2:26)
What's in our supply cupboard? ... 3:03 (3:03)
Echinacea tincture. .. 3:52 (3:51)
Inner warrior summit - part 1
Monthly Bonus: Best recipes part 2
Week 46 - Rainy days
St. Johns wort ... 3:51 (3:51)
Boneset ... 3:06 (3:05)
Adaptogens ... 2:27 (2:27)
Inner warrior summit - part 2
Week 47 - Rainy days
Goji berry ... 2:02 (2:01)
Ginseng & adaptogens ... 3:16 (3:15)
Siberian ginseng ... 2:14 (2:13)
Astragalus ... 2:27 (2:27)
Inner warrior summit - part 3
Week 48 - Being an herbalist
Being an herbalist .. 2:09 (2:08)
Mushrooms ... 5:53 (5:52)
Hawthorn ... 5:04 (5:03)
Inner warrior summit - part 4
Week 49 - Being an herbalist
Hydrosols .... 3:34 (3:33)
Hydrosols 2 ....2:27 (2:27)
Hydrosols 3 ... 3:31 (3:30)
Seven simple ways. part 1
Week 50 - Being an herbalist
Herbal infusions ... 2:28 (2:28)
Nettle infusions . ...4.01 (4:01)
Oatstraw infusion.... 3:01 (3:01)
Seven simple ways. part 2
Monthly Bonus: Best recipes - part 3
Week 51 - Being an herbalist
Linden infusion ... 1:12 (1:12)
Linden infusions ....3.53 (3:53)
Kava Kava infusions . 5:12 (5:12)
Seven simple ways. part 3
Week 52 - Being an herbalist
Slippery elm balls.... 8.19 (8:19)
Garden Sage ... 2.35 (2:34)
Healthy You - Part 1
Week 53 - Being an herbalist
Japanese knotweed root (6:18)
Japanese knotweed 2 (2:58)
Saw palmetto berry 1 (3:05)
Healthy You - Part 2
Week 54 - Being an herbalist
Saw palmetto 2 (4:08)
Elderberry tincture (2:09)
Ginkgo tincture (1:59)
Healthy You - Part 3
Week 55 - Being an herbalist
Motherwort tincture (2:00)
Omega 3's in seeds (1:43)
Amaranthe seeds (3:30)
Lambs quarter seeds (4:13)
Monthly Bonus: Best recipes - part 4
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 1
Week 56 - Being an herbalist
Chaff (3:48)
Mulberry tree (0:53)
Burdock seeds (2:02)
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 2
Week 57 - Weed walk
Burdock stalk (3:02)
Peony plant (1:37)
Comfrey plant (4:05)
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 3
Week 58 - Weed walk
English ivy (1:55)
Wild plants (2:44)
Mullein stalks (1:19)
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 4
Week 59 - Weed walk
Teasel harvest (3:14)
Teasel (6:24)
Teasel harvest 2 (3:35)
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 5
Week 60 - Weed walk
Water mint (1:56)
Catnip (2:19)
Wild Thyme (1:28)
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 6
Week 61 - The Great Remedies
St. Johns wort (5:02)
St. Johns wort 2 (4:46)
Audio: Integrated Care with A Cancer Diagnosis Part 7
Week 62 - The Great Remedies
Herbal vinegars. (4:11)
Herbal vinegars 2 (4:13)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 1
Week 63 - The Great Remedies
Herbal vinegars 3 (5:14)
Making a vinegar (7:43)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 2
Week 64 - The Great Remedies
Great remedies weed walk (7:40)
Great remedies weed walk (7:17)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 3
Week 65 - Weed Walk
Mint patch (4:13)
Lemon Balm (3:59)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 4
Week 66 - Weed Walk
Shepard's purse (2:31)
Turkey Tail - River walk (3:15)
Sweet Birch (1:24)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 5
Week 67 - Weed Walk
Edible weeds (3:14)
Edible weeds (2:04)
Mustard family plants. (1:55)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 6
Week 68 - Remedies
Fennel seed (1:47)
Schisandra (2:14)
Yarrow for itching (1:34)
Audio: Plant Deva Playshop Part 7
Week 69 - Herbalist life
Ordering dried herbs (6:39)
Ordering bulk herbs part 2 (3:01)
Inventory of herbs (1:39)
Inventory infusion herbs (5:25)
Audio: Abundantly Well reading part 1
Week 70 - Autumn in the Catskills
Shiso seeds (2:22)
Harvesting seeds (5:58)
Amaranth seeds (8:33)
Drug interactions - Part 1
Week 71 - Herbalist life
Garlic Honey (7:44)
Kava Kava infusion (4:26)
Audio: Abundantly Well reading part 2
Week 72 - Herbalist life
Elderberry remedies 1 (3:11)
Elderberry remedies 2 (6:07)
Drug interactions - Part 2
Week 73 - Herbalist life
Elderberry remedies 3 (3:52)
Corn Silk (3:14)
Audio: Abundantly Well reading part 3
Week 74 - Autumn in the Catskills
Shiso (3:05)
Schisandra (4:47)
Drug interactions - Part 3
Week 75 - Autumn in the Catskills
Schisandra (5:56)
Lemon Balm (3:59)
Audio: Abundantly Well reading part 4
Week 76 - Remedies
Mint Patch (4:14)
Propolis 1 (3:17)
Propolis 2 (5:32)
Drug interactions - Part 4
Week 77 - Remedies
Bee Pollen (5:18)
Bee products (4:38)
Audio: Abundantly Well reading part 5
Week 78 - Remedies
More about Bee products (4:19)
Fennel seed tea (1:47)
Drug interactions - Part 5
Week 79 - Remedies
Eczema (6:33)
Breast Health (3:51)
Best Ways to Consume Fruits part 1
Week 80 - Remedies
Nettle infusion (5:19)
Diabetes (8:57)
Drug interactions - Part 6
Week 81 - Remedies
Yarrow tincture (5:59)
St Johns wort for travelling (2:58)
Best Ways to Consume Fruits part 2
Week 82
Meditation and song (1:39)
Drugs (14:50)
Drug interactions - Part 7
Week 83
Drugs 2 (5:01)
Drugs 3 (6:10)
Cherry, Acerola - Anthocyanins part 1
Week 84
Making Salad (1:09)
Making Salad 2 (1:07)
Infusions (4:53)
Drug interactions - Part 8
Week 85
Supplements & essential oils. (6:27)
Nourishment (4:22)
Cherry, Acerola - Anthocyanins part 2
Week 86
Feelings (3:33)
3 traditions (2:48)
Susun sings (0:29)
Herbs & Drugs (7:29)
Drug interactions - Part 9
Week 87
Insomnia (6:01)
Herbs to help with sleep (5:22)
Drug interactions - Part 10
Week 88
More about help with sleep (7:16)
Protein from herbs (2:47)
Bumble bee (0:47)
Apricot, Papaya, Mango - Carotenes and Carotenoids - Part 1
Week 89
Cooked greens (5:48)
Liver tonics (7:51)
Apricot, Papaya, Mango - Carotenes and Carotenoids - Part 2
Week 90
Liver tonics (3:47)
Motherwort (7:36)
Life and Death part 1
Week 91
Spider (1:17)
Flowers (1:02)
Motherwort. (4:55)
Life and Death part 2
Week 92
Motherwort (5:17)
Motherwort (6:02)
Life and Death part 3
Week 93
Motherwort (6:52)
Nourishing herbal infusions (4:45)
Life and Death part 4
Week 94
Susun sings (1:29)
Nourishing herbal infusions (5:12)
Life and Death part 5
Week 95
Nourishing herbal infusions (5:23)
Red clover (7:27)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 1
Week 96
Linden (0:58)
Grounding (6:12)
Menopause (6:16)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 2
Week 97
Menopause (4:21)
Energy (6:25)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 3
Week 98
Energy (3:50)
Nourishing herbal infusions (8:04)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 4
Week 99
Collecting seeds (1:41)
Susun sings (1:03)
Vitamins (6:40)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 5
Week 100
Susun sings (0:47)
Garlic vinegar. (3:28)
Omega-3s (1:43)
Omega-3s (2:49)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 6
Week 101
Chopping roots (3:06)
Making herbal vinegars (4:27)
Nourishing Herbal Infusions part 7
Week 102
Herb harvest (3:56)
Nettle patch (7:18)
Vitamins in Fruit - Coconut, Banana Part 1
Week 103
Weed walk - Wild yam (4:49)
Weed walk (1:20)
Harvesting seeds (2:02)
Vitamins in Fruit - Coconut, Banana Part 2
Week 104
Weed walk - Blood root (3:34)
Posing for a photo (0:13)
Roots (2:41)
Wild ginger root (2:40)
Fiber in Fruit - Figs, Mulberries, Jackfruit Part1
Week 105
Sun loving plants (2:41)
Lambs quarter & amaranthe seeds (5:37)
Fiber in Fruit - Figs, Mulberries, Jackfruit Part 2
Week 106
Ginkgo biloba (4:23)
Bloodroot (2:28)
Fruit and Longevity - Strawberry, Peach, Plum part 1
Week 107
Burdock root (5:04)
Inulin (1:38)
Allergic reaction (2:34)
Fruit and Longevity - Strawberry, Peach, Plum part 2
Week 108
Preparing lunch (0:38)
Preparing lunch 2 (4:12)
Wild salad (3:19)
Fruit and Longevity - Strawberry, Peach, Plum part 3
Week 109
Getting nutrition from food (2:54)
Chemicals in food (5:29)
Gathering (2:48)
Fruit and Cancer - Melons: Watermelon, Cantalope - part 1
Week 110
Weed walk (2:13)
Dandelion (4:58)
Words used by herbalists (2:10)
Fruit and Cancer - Melons: Watermelon, Cantalope - part 2
Week 111
Fever - Student Q&A (4:05)
Sauerkraut - Student Q&A (3:50)
Fruit and Cancer - Melons: Watermelon, Cantalope part 3
Week 112
Mullein garlic oil - Student Q&A (5:53)
Smoking herbs - Student Q&A (3:48)
Mercury - Student Q&A (3:48)
Resveratrol - Grapes, Pineapple part 1
Week 113
Coltsfoot - Student Q&A (5:02)
Slippery herbs - Student Q&A (4:53)
Resveratrol - Grapes, Pineapple part 2
Week 114
Comfrey - Student Q&A (4:48)
Comfrey infusion - Student Q&A (5:04)
Resveratrol - Grapes, Pineapple part 3
Week 115
Plant families (4:13)
Botany (3:09)
Tree medicine, bud, resin, leaf and bark Part 1
Week 116
Field guide (6:41)
Weed walk - Wild yam (5:17)
Tree medicine, bud, resin, leaf and bark. Part 2
Week 117
Comfrey plants (2:38)
Chickweed (1:21)
Weed walk (5:49)
Tree medicine, bud, resin, leaf and bark. Part 3
Week 120
Wild Oregano (3:00)
Weed walk with goats (3:30)
Black knapweed (3:16)
Tree medicine, bud, resin, leaf and bark. Part 4
Week 121
Bed straw (2:34)
Malva neglecta (2:35)
Nightshade (3:52)
Tree medicine, bud, resin, leaf and bark. Part 5
Week 122
Chicory (3:11)
Susun singing (0:59)
Burdock (2:32)
Self heal (2:02)
Adaptogens and the Gut : Dang Shen part 1
Week 123 - Talking with Trees
Baby Pine tree (3:02)
Hemlock tree (2:32)
Ash tree (7:11)
Adaptogens and the Gut : Dang Shen part 2
Week 124 - Talking with Trees
Tree talk (2:54)
Hawthorne (4:50)
Rhodiola: Adaptogens and Mental Function - part 1
Week 125
Comfrey leaf (5:23)
Ginseng - Tincturing dried herbs (4:28)
Tincturing dried herbs (2:52)
Rhodiola: Adaptogens and Mental Function - part 2
Week 126
Making tinctures (2:02)
Making tinctures (1:37)
Making tinctures part 3 (2:56)
Licorice: Adaptogens and the Lungs - part 1
Week 126
Making tinctures part 4 (4:28)
Hawthorne (1:18)
Hawthorne (7:27)
Licorice: Adaptogens and the Lungs - part 2
Week 127
Hawthorne (3:58)
Garlic mustard (3:04)
Nettle: Adaptogens, Adrenals & Cortisol - part 1
Week 128
11-4-19-4 (4:44)
11-4-19-5 (7:00)
Nettle: Adaptogens, Adrenals & Cortisol part 2
Week 129
11-4-19-6 (5:11)
11-4-19-7 (3:27)
Tulsi, Self Heal, Shiso: Adaptogens and Cancer part 1
Week 130
11-4-19-8 (7:51)
11-4-19-9 (6:07)
Tulsi, Self Heal, Shiso: Adaptogens and Cancer part 2
Week 131
11-4-19-10 (5:26)
11-4-19-11 (5:16)
Green Tea, Coffee, Chocolate part 1
Week 132
11-4-19-12 (5:16)
11-4-19-13 (2:06)
11-4-19-14 (5:19)
Green Tea, Coffee, Chocolate part 2
Week 133
11-4-19-15 (5:19)
11-4-19-16 (3:07)
11-4-19-17 (3:04)
Week 134
11-4-19-18 (2:37)
11-4-19-19 (1:51)
11-4-19-20 (6:27)
Week 135
11-4-19-21 (5:10)
11-4-19-22 (2:49)
11-4-19-23 (6:43)
Week 136
11-4-19-24 (4:27)
11-4-19-25 (5:12)
11-4-19-26 (6:09)
Week 137
11-4-19-27 (1:07)
11-4-19-28 (4:01)
11-4-19-29 (4:24)
11-4-19-30 (0:42)
Week 138
11-4-19-31 (2:36)
11-4-19-32 (5:05)
11-4-19-33 (0:53)
Week 139
11-4-19-34 (0:53)
11-4-19-35 (2:09)
11-4-19-36 (3:15)
Week 140
11-4-19-37 (12:41)
11-4-19-38 (3:29)
Week 141
11-4-19-39 (5:45)
11-4-19-40 (4:34)
11-4-19-41 (6:22)
Week 142
11-4-19-42 (3:43)
11-4-19-43 (3:05)
11-4-19-44 (2:20)
Week 143
11-4-19-45 (1:04)
11-4-19-46 (2:43)
11-4-19-47 (1:12)
Week 144
11-4-19-48 (2:01)
11-4-19-49 (4:30)
Week 145
11-4-19-50 (3:00)
11-4-19-51 (6:24)
Week 146
2-16-20-1a (0:36)
2-16-20-1 (5:40)
2-16-20-2 (0:26)
Week 147
2-16-20-3 (1:21)
2-16-20-4 (2:06)
2-16-20-5 (4:23)
Week 148
2-16-20-6 (1:53)
2-16-20-7 (2:48)
2-16-20-8 (3:57)
Week 149
2-16-20-9 (2:09)
2-16-20-10 (6:54)
2-16-20-11 (4:22)
Week 150
2-16-20-12 (3:27)
2-16-20-13 (2:07)
2-16-20-14 (3:50)
Week 151
2-16-20-15 (6:07)
2-16-20-16 (2:51)
2-16-20-17 (4:56)
Week 152
2-17-20-1 (4:00)
2-17-20-1a (3:49)
2-17-20-2 (5:06)
Week 153
2-17-20-3 (5:21)
2-17-20-4 (4:46)
2-17-20-5 (5:11)
Week 154
2-17-20-6 (1:21)
2-17-20-7 (4:19)
2-17-20-8 (4:50)
Week 155
2-17-20-9 (5:08)
2-17-20-10 (1:01)
2-17-20-11 (2:15)
Week 156
2-17-20-12 (3:38)
2-17-20-13 (2:55)
2-17-20-14 (4:50)
Week 157
2-17-20-15 (2:05)
2-17-20-16 (0:59)
2-17-20-17 (1:38)
Week 158
2-17-20-18 (2:24)
2-17-20-19 (1:20)
2-17-20-20 (2:19)
Week 159
2-17-20-21 (5:22)
2-18-20-1 (9:33)
Week 160
3-11-20-1 (0:51)
3-12-20-2 (4:10)
3-12-20-3 (5:34)
Week 161
6-28-20-1 (1:02)
6-28-20-1a (4:11)
6-28-20-2 (4:07)
Week 162
6-28-20-3 (4:16)
6-28-20-4 (5:04)
6-28-20-5 (5:29)
Week 163
6-28-20-6 (5:22)
6-28-20-7 (5:49)
6-28-20-8 (1:24)
Week 164 - Autumn Blessings
Autumn Blessings with Susun (1:10)
White pine vinegar (2:21)
Mint vinegar (3:05)
Week 165
6-28-20-9 (5:39)
6-28-20-10 (4:16)
6-28-20-11 (5:09)
Week 166
6-28-20-12 (4:49)
6-28-20-13 (0:53)
6-28-20-14 (1:06)
Week 167
6-28-20-15 (5:39)
6-28-20-16 (2:02)
6-28-20-17 (0:41)
Week 168
6-28-20-18 (3:32)
6-28-20-19 (2:52)
6-28-20-20 (3:36)
Week 169
6-28-20-21 (3:11)
6-28-20-22 (4:11)
7-8-20-1a (3:08)
Week 170
7-8-20-1 (4:34)
7-8-20-2 (1:16)
7-8-20-3 (6:50)
Week 171
7-8-20-4 (0:27)
7-8-20-5 (4:45)
7-8-20-6 (5:25)
7-8-20-7 (4:27)
Week 172
7-8-20-8 (4:47)
7-8-20-9 (8:57)
Week 173
7-8-20-10 (5:01)
7-8-20-11 (6:09)
7-8-20-12 (2:37)
Week 174
7-8-20-13 (3:37)
7-8-20-14 (4:29)
7-8-20-15 (5:15)
Week 175
7-8-20-16 (2:40)
7-8-20-17 (1:49)
7-8-20-18 (6:52)
Week 176
7-8-20-19 (1:41)
7-8-20-20 (5:22)
7-8-20-21 (4:56)
Week 177
7-8-20-22 (5:37)
7-8-20-23 (4:16)
7-8-20-24 (5:55)
Week 178
7-8-20-25 (1:31)
7-8-20-26 (4:43)
7-8-20-27 (2:46)
Week 179
7-8-20-28 (3:51)
7-8-20-29 (3:55)
7-8-20-30 (3:15)
Week 180
7-8-20-31 (5:10)
7-8-20-32 (2:17)
7-8-20-33 (4:45)
Week 181
7-8-20-34 (2:54)
7-8-20-35 (5:18)
7-8-20-36 (3:54)
Week 182
7-10-20-1 (3:10)
7-12-20-1 (1:34)
7-12-20-1a (3:35)
Week 183
7-12-20-2 (3:11)
7-12-20-3 (3:11)
7-12-20-4 (3:12)
Week 184
7-12-20-5 (1:57)
7-12-20-6 (3:07)
7-12-20-7 (3:59)
7-12-20-8 (2:03)
Week 185
7-12-20-9 (1:51)
7-12-20-10 (3:20)
7-12-20-11 (3:20)
Week 186
7-12-20-12 (2:53)
7-12-20-13 (1:52)
7-12-20-14 (2:46)
Week 187
7-12-20-15 (1:26)
7-12-20-16 (1:14)
7-12-20-17 (2:15)
7-12-20-18 (1:09)
Week 188
7-12-20-19 (3:43)
7-12-20-20 (3:11)
7-12-20-21 (3:38)
Weel 189
7-12-20-22 (3:38)
7-12-20-23 (3:43)
7-12-20-24 (4:18)
Week 190
7-12-20-25 (4:13)
7-16-20-1a (2:18)
7-16-20-1 (1:10)
7-16-20-2 (3:04)
Week 191
7-16-20-3 (1:41)
7-16-20-4 (4:54)
7-16-20-5 (2:29)
7-16-20-6 (4:11)
Week 192
7-16-20-7 (1:56)
7-16-20-8 (2:39)
7-16-20-9 (3:17)
7-16-20-10 (2:05)
Week 193
7-17-20-1a (2:15)
7-17-20-1 (1:17)
7-17-20-2 (1:41)
7-17-20-3 (3:08)
Week 194
7-17-20-4 (2:24)
7-17-20-5 (2:27)
7-17-20-6 (3:15)
7-17-20-7 (4:48)
Week 195
7-17-20-8 (1:51)
7-17-20-9 (1:14)
7-17-20-10 (2:04)
7-17-20-11 (3:28)
Weel 196
7-17-20-12 (3:34)
7-17-20-13 (2:57)
7-17-20-14 (2:31)
7-17-20-15 (3:36)
Week 197